Monday, February 28, 2011

Molly + Campaign = LOVE

Campaign furniture has been all the rage in Blogland recently, and I have jumped on the bandwagon and haven't looked back! As soon as I saw this dresser from Lonny magazine, I knew that I needed one! I have been searching for the past year with no luck...until now!

When I was in South Carolina over Christmas, I went to my favorite place for furniture in Greenville and spotted a whole Campaign bedroom set. I had a small little fit in the store, but soon realized there was no way I could buy the furniture right then, and sadly left the store. Fast forward to this past week. I was back in SC to visit my new nephew, and decided to stop in the store to see if the Campaign furniture was still there. I walked as fast as I could to the back of the store, crossing my fingers that nobody else snatched it up! To my surprise, it was all still there; I'm guessing no one else saw its potential! The set came with a dresser with a hutch, a side table, a desk with a hutch, and a headboard. I only wanted the dresser and side table, so I talked the store owner into splitting up the set. I am now the proud owner of these gorgeous pieces! (The hutch came on the dresser, but I'm undecided on if I will use it or not.)

Right now, they are hanging out in my parents' garage in SC, but they will make their way to NY in a couple of months when my parents come to visit!

Here are a few pictures I've been lusting after!

LOVE this orange version from Deluxa
Also loving this creamy white version from Little Green Notebook
Obsessed with this green dresser in Emily A. Clark's home office
LOVE how crisp this white dresser is from Jessin' how the hardware stands out
As much as I love these fun colored dressers, I think that I am going to leave mine just the way they are! I have been wanting to bring more pieces of wood furniture into our apartment because right now everything is either black or white. I knew I made the right decision when I saw the two pictures below! Can't wait to have these pretty pieces in NY!
Totally loving this Craigslist dresser from Bryn!

Really, really loving this one from Joi, because it is exactly like mine!
So excited that I am finally the proud owner of some Campaign furniture! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and post about them when they arrive!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

I'm back after a WAY too long absence...I am so sorry! I got into a little blogging slump, and apparently it has taken a while for me to get out of it! I have lots of exciting things to stay tuned! :)

I am linking up with Lauren at The Little Things We Do for Fill in the Blank Friday!

1.   I am currently obsessed with  My new sweet precious nephew, Harrison O'neil! He was born two weeks ago, but I just got to meet him on Wednesday. I fell instantly in love and could stare at that sweet baby all day!

2.  Today I am   SO HAPPY  because,    I am at home in South Carolina with my wonderful family and am enjoying the gorgeous 70 something degree weather! I sure will miss it when we go back to NY Sunday!
{my parents' pretty backyard!}

3.  The age I am is    23     and the age I feel is    I guess it depends! Somedays when I am super lazy and tired from work, I feel like I'm an old lady, but most days I am perfectly happy with my age! 

4.  My favorite place is     my family's lake house in South Carolina (near Charleston.) We have been going there every summer for years, and it is like a sanctuary to me! I feel so relaxed and at home there, and can't wait to be there this summer! 

{Joe and I out on the boat on Lake Moultrie - 2008}

5.  Something I have been procrastinating is     hmmm...I guess that would have to be cleaning out our closet. (Yes, we only have one.) It is huge, and filled with CRAP! I need to get in there one day and do a lot of purging and organizing! Sounds like a plan for next weekend!

6.  The last thing I purchased was   Campaign furniture that I have been searching for FOREVER...there will be a whole post on this soon! :)

7.  The thing I love most about my home is   Well, it would DEFINITELY have to be who I share it with! I have said before that there isn't much I love about our tiny little apartment, but I would be happy living anywhere with my sweet boy! :)