Saturday, March 31, 2012


I'm having a crisis...(a throw pillow crisis, that is.)

{old pillows + my gorgeous new Chiang Mai pillow}

I am SO tired of the pillows in our living room...I would seriously be happy to toss them all in the trash. I bought them all before we got married and moved to New York, and they just aren't me anymore. I need want luxurious looking, down filled pillows that will last us a while. These just ain't cuttin' it anymore! 

I have one Chiang Mai dragon pillow in the Mocha colorway, and one on the I have 2 good pillows to work with, and need a few more! Of course, being the terrible decision maker that I am, I can't figure out what I want! I know I want lots of different patterns, and I want to pull out the orange, pear green, navy, and aqua blue colors from the Chiang Mai pillows to match what I already have in the rest of the room. Here is a picture of the other side of our huge living room that is opposite of the couch - Still loving the orange drapes!

I've been scouring Etsy for the past few days looking for the perfect pillows, and of course I have found like 50 that I really love. Here are a few examples I put together to try and help me decide...and of course, I love them all and can't pick a favorite. So, I need HELP!
Choice 1 {Navy Quatrefoil, Orange Greek Key, Chiang Mai Mocha, Orange Velvet, Chiang Mai Mocha, and Navy Trellis}

Choice 2 {Orange Velvet, Chiang Mai Mocha, Green Trellis}

Choice 3 {Aqua Greek Key, Chiang Mai Mocha, Green Trellis, Chiang Mai Mocha, and Navy Quatrefoil}

Choice 4 {Blue Medallion, Orange Velvet, Chiang Mai Mocha, Green Trellis, Chiang Mai Mocha, Aqua Velvet, and Navy Quatrefoil}



  1. My favorite is choice 2, but I really like them all! Good luck- whatever choice you pick will look great!

  2. I'm with #2 too! I'm just funny about balance. Your new pillows are absolutely perfect.

  3. They are all super cute, but the first one is my fav!

  4. What about #1... but instead of the navy and white pillow on the far right, replace with the far left pillow on #4?! :)

  5. I'm partial to choice 2... maybe because it feels symetrical, but I love the combination of the patterns & the solid orange ties them together.
