Saturday, February 16, 2013

life lately

Life lately has been pretty low key, but wonderful nonetheless.

I hate that my blogging has been so spotty, but with the big move nearing, jobs, school and a tiny budget...there isn't much decorating or fun stuff going on that is worthy of a post. I really need to stop waiting on something big and exciting to happen, and just blog our everyday lives!

I jumped on the Vine (Twitter's new video app) bandwagon and had fun making a few silly videos.

I had to go into the city to pick up my new glasses, and I decided to stop by Financier, a precious little patisserie, and pick up my favorite treat, macarons! I couldn't decide which flavor I wanted, so I just got the biggest package they had. Smart, right? My favorites are Chocolate and Lemon and I'm pretty sure I could eat them every single day and never tire of those delicious little cookies. If you haven't had one, I suggest you do soon. They will rock your world.

Speaking of my new glasses, I am so obsessed with them. I've been wanting some new hipster tortoise frames for a while, and finally decided I needed some after remembering I haven't gotten new glasses since my freshman year of college. Aren't they fun??

On my way home from getting the glasses/macarons, I was in Grand Central (one of my most favorite places ever) and noticed it was it's 100th birthday! I missed the big celebration because I had to catch my train, but I am so glad I got to be there on that special day. Such a magical place!

Last weekend was the big Nemo blizzard, so we hunkered down and were prepared for the worst. We only ended up getting around 10 inches, but for a Southern girl like me, that is more than enough! I put on my warmest layers, and headed out into the thick of the blizzard with Charlie, and we had so much fun. We stayed out so long that poor little Charlie was covered in icicles and snowballs, so we had to cut our fun short and go inside and get him a warm bath. I'm pretty sure he would have stayed outside all day long if I would have let him. (the video is on a loop, I promise he didn't pee THAT much)

Those pictures just show the beginning of the snow. Our parking lot was a huge mess, and Charlie was up to his belly in snow the next day!

We had work/school until late on Valentine's Day, so we moved our celebration to Friday night, and boy was I pampered. Joe started a tradition last year by cooking me a delicious, elaborate Valentine's meal at home rather than going out, and like this year, last night's meal was out of this world. He found the recipes in the New York Times, and were flavors that I never would have thought to put together, but was one of the best meals I've ever had!

Caprese Salad with Blueberry Croutons 
Spaghetti with Puttanesca Sauce
Strawberry Ricotta Cheesecake with a Cinnamon Graham Cracker Crust

Whoever says Valentine's Day is just a Hallmark holiday has lost their mind. I love having a whole day devoted to LOVE and had so much fun letting all the people I love know how much they mean to me.

What I've been listening to:

Happy weekend everyone! :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Big News...

Joe got a JOB!!!!!!

He graduates from law school this May, then we are packing up and heading a couple of hours north to Albany, NY

His new office, come August!

The gorgeous Capitol Building

We are really going to miss White Plains and the city, and everyone who has touched our hearts here, but we are so excited for this next season of our lives and can't wait to see what Albany has in store for us!

So incredibly proud of my sweet boy!