Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wedding Pictures Are In!

We got the discs with our wedding pictures back today! So exciting! I have spent wayyy too much time tonight uploading and looking through them all. They are GORGEOUS!

Joe has been in New York taking a class since the 4th of July, so I have been busy busy busy trying to pack all of our stuff, refinish furniture, painting art for our walls, etc. I am just about done and can't wait to see how everything looks in our new place! (pictures coming soon!)

I've also been busy planning my friend Rebekah's Bachelorette Party/Lingerie Shower; and I am so excited because the weekend is finally here! We are going to good ol' Myrtle Beach, and I couldn't be more thrilled! I haven't been there in years and years, so I'm excited to be at the beach! I'm leaving from the beach on Sunday and headed to NYC to FINALLY see my husband...and I have two JOB INTERVIEWS!!! WOO HOO! It has been super stressful trying to do everything from SC, but I have some great opportunities, so I'm hoping something will work out! At this point, I'll take anything...we're gonna need to buy some groceries! ;)

Here are a couple of professional pictures from the wedding. I'm planning on doing lots of recap posts and showing all of my "DIY" (do it yourself) projects and details from the wedding; so stay tuned!

*All professional photos done by Allison Elizabeth Photography and Design

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Bridal Portraits

A while ago, I posted some inspiration pictures that I found for my bridal shoot. I have always been in love with Spanish moss hanging from huge oak trees, and since we don't have any in upstate South Carolina; I knew exactly where we could find some!

I talked about Mepkin Abbey before, and how special it is to me; so I was thrilled to be able to have my pictures done there. It is the most beautiful location in South Carolina (in my opinion) and I LOVE going there!

Of course, it wasn't without sacrifice and a few problems along the way! Aside from the fact that it was about 100 degrees outside and 100% humidity, I was determined to make it work! I had my hair and makeup done at 8 AM in Grenville before having to ride to Charleston for almost 4 hours in the front seat of my mom's car. I didn't realize my hairstyle wouldn't allow me to sit back at all; so that was awesome.

We finally made it to the monastery, and I changed into my dress and wedding shoes in the tiny bathroom of the monastery gift shop. That was a sight to see, let me tell you! We joked and called my mom my "personal assistant." I don't know what I would have done without her! She was there to wipe the sweat from my upper lip, flick the bugs off my dress, and tuck in all of the fly away hair! My photographer, Allison, of Allison Elizabeth Photography and Design, was amazing as I knew she would be! She has such natural talent and a great eye! We walked all around the grounds of the monastery. I climbed through leaves and dirt and was COVERED in bug bites. The wind was pretty strong, and my veil had a mind of it's own and decided it wanted to be a kite that day.

It was rough, but boy was it all worth it! The pictures are all I could have asked for, and I still can't believe they are of me! They will definitely be cherished forever.

Here are a few of my favorites!

My mom chose this as her formal portrait to hang over her piano. We love the antique coloring, but we decided to have it done a little more natural. It turned out so pretty!

I didn't want to pay a lot of money for a bridal portrait bouquet, so I made my own! Pictures coming soon!

Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm back...and I'm MARRIED!

I have really neglected this blog, but am back in full force and really want to keep this up as a way to journal our move to NYC!

Our wedding was on June 5 and was absolutely perfect. The months leading up to it were an absolute whirlwind, and the wedding weekend went by even faster! All of my hard work and planning definitely paid off; everything was exactly how I pictured it!

We don't have professional pictures back yet, but here are a few that some of our guests took!