Saturday, April 20, 2013

10 things

I've seen a few bloggers do this, and thought it was so much fun. I have loved getting to know all of them better, so hopefully this let you get to know be better as well!

1 - I absolutely can't sleep with socks on, or with my hair up. 

2 - My first two concerts were Vince Gill with my mom, and Aerosmith with my dad. How cool was he to take a 6th grader to see Aerosmith??

3 - My most favorite food in the whole world would have to be pickles. Sweet Gherkins and fried dill chips are the best, but I usually don't discriminate! My mom told me that when I was little, she would have to avoid the pickle aisle so I wouldn't have a meltdown about wanting more pickles.

{shortly before I passed out in the grass}
4 - My freshman year of college, I got SO sick. I went on Spring Break with my girlfriends, and ended up passing out at the Carolina Cup. I knew I didn't have that much to drink, so we knew something was seriously wrong. I had a crazy intense form of Mono, and along with that came Pneumonia and Hepatitis. I had to medically withdraw from Spring semester, and spent like 3 months straight in the bed.

{couch cuddling with my blankie and charlie}

5 - I have slept with my green blankie since I got it in elementary even came with me on my honeymoon to Aruba (Joe sure loved that!)

6 - I'm 6 feet tall, but was never really into basketball or volleyball. 

7 - I talk to my dog Charlie like he's a human and carry on full conversations with him. 

8 - I've been obsessed with weddings for as long as I can remember. I can remember idolizing every bride at weddings I went to, and walking to Winn Dixie with my friends in elementary/middle school and buying wedding magazines when everyone else was buying Tiger Beat. I got married 3 years ago, and I still buy wedding magazines.

9 - I always said I would absolutely never get a tattoo. I was little miss priss and thought they were awful....then I got one on a whim last year. It's a blackbird that not only represnts my obsession for The Beatles, but also reminds me of the lyrics of my favorite song of theirs and makes me so proud of myself for moving so far away from home and being on our own. "Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly, all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise."

10 - I'm still driving the same car my parents got for me when I got my driver's license at 15. The poor girl has been through a lot in New York, so I think we may be saying goodbye to her soon! :(


  1. How did I not know about the mono thing?!?!?!

    And I'm totally getting a bird tattoo. I'm obsessed and look at them ALL the time. What happened to us?!

  2. I still sleep with my blanket too. I asked mike before we got married if I had to give it up and he said no! (Bless him) (: and i still don't leave home without it!

    Annnnnddd I love your bird tattoo!!

  3. Might have stolen your post idea for today...oops! PS- I love that tattoo...i'm too chicken to get one!
