Sunday, August 10, 2014

Weekend Recap

We had a super busy, but super fun weekend! 

Friday night, we celebrated our sweet friend, Chelsea's, birthday in style by riding this bad boy around Troy to some of our favorite bars.

I stupidly wore a maxi dress and sandals to pedal this thing - why, I have no idea - so I rode the first leg of the trip on the bench in the back and didn't have to peddle. Score!

It was such a cool experience, and we were really surprised and glad that they let us bring our own coolers of drinks on the bike. We played a few games of flip cup before going into the bars and it was so. much. fun. 

If any of y'all live in the Capital District - you definitely have to try Capital City Brewcycle!

Saturday was spent recovering from the Brewcyle festivities. Ugggh. Rough! Then Saturday night, we went to a going away party for our friend, and Joe's coworker, Steve, who is leaving us for bigger and better things in Syracuse, NY!

Today I have been doing nothing but calligraphy and working on this blog (check out the new calligraphy page above!) and it's been nice to have a whole day to devote to it! I just listed this new print in my Etsy shop, and have been working on some samples and some gorgeous wedding invitation envelopes for my friend Brittany!

Hope y'all have had an amazing weekend! :)


  1. I really want to do the bike bar crawl. It looks like so much fun! Your calligraphy is beautiful!

    1. You definitely need to do it…so much fun! Thanks so much!!! :)

  2. That looks so cool!! Your calligraphy is killer!
